Learn How To Hypnotize Someone

Continuing on from our previous chapter on how to hypnotize someone and make them forget it


Now, as you know how to induce hypnosis, A hypno-

know how to handle the subject by building an tlst ( ? )

environment around him, taking care to name all

of the senses necessary to enforce a response to

the environment, you are a hypnotist (?). No. I

have taught too many, and feel that you still fail

to comprehend me.

You have a hypnotized subject in your room.

We will assume it is up one flight of stairs. What

will you say to him when you desire him to go to

the postoffice? Now, mind, he doesn't know the

way to the postoffice, he is a stranger. Why, you

would say to him, "When you open your eyes, you

will go to the postoffice and get me a letter," and

the subject will fail to move ; because, remember

this, a hypnotized subject is a blind man. He

doesn't take in impressions, he throws out pictures ;

but the other senses are of such greater impor-

tance, forcing through actions already acquired,

that man, failing to comprehend the value of this

law of attributes, overlooks the importance of the

other senses. Treat a hypnotized subject as a

blind man. He is now sitting in the center of my

room up one flight of stairs, and I say to him,

"When you open your eyes you will find yourself

in my room. There is an important letter for me

at the postoffice which I am desirous that you, as

a good fellow, will go and get for me. The mo-

ment you stand up you will walk five feet to your

left and you will come to the door, on the left side

of that door is the knob ; the door opens towards

you. Passing out of the door for two feet you will

find the head of the stairs ; by putting your hands

on the banister at your left, you can follow down

the stairs. To your right is a door with the knob

on the right, which opens towards you. You pass

into that room four feet, then turn to the right, go

three feet and you will find another door with a

knob on the right, which opens towards you; go

through the doorway and you will turn to your

left ; you walk two feet, then turn to the right and

walk eight feet, when you will come to another

door with the knob to your right. You will open

that door and step on to the porch. After walking

four feet you will come to three steps. By walk-

ing straight ahead eight feet, you will come to two

more steps. You will then be on the sidewalk.

You will walk twenty feet to reach the corner of

the street, turn to your right and cross the street,

et cetera."

Again, my pupil, you have a subject sitting in

the center of the room, and wish him to go to the

radiator on the opposite side of the room to comb

his hair at an imaginary looking-glass. What will

you say to him ? Why, you will say to him, "When

you open your eyes, you will go to the looking-

glass just across the room from you and brush your

hair ( ?)." The subject opens his eyes, but will not

move. Why? Why do people brush their hair?

Because it is disarranged. Therefore the first

thing the subject must know is that his hair is

tousled ; then he must be told exactly where the

looking-glass is and that on this affair is a comb

and brush ; or, in other words, you must name the

sight for him, because through hearing and sight,

in many cases we reach the identical result. You,

reading this book, are really receiving sound im-

pressions; I am giving you words through your

eye. With a hypnotized subject, we are giving

him sight through his ear. So that is how we

hypnotize someone really. The more sense-pic-

tures we specifically arouse, the more comprehen-

sive the action of the subject ; provided, the things

he comes in contact with do not give him directly

opposite suggestions. This is of course one way

to hypnotize someone.

We will assume that you are giving a parlor en-

tertainment. You have led your subject into hyp-

nosis, and have him back into his chair. He has

the nosebleed. Now, pupil, what are you going

to do? Hypnosis is the spoon with which you

give your medicine. When you are tired of any

action, conditionally awakened in said subject, in-

duce hypnosis again. Say to him, "Close your

eyes, go deep asleep," and now we are where we

started from. We again have hypnosis ; then tell

him, "When you open your eyes, so and so will

happen, or is the case." If the man is standing up

and you say to him, "Close your eyes, go to sleep,"

or, "You are asleep," he will fall over, because one

of the attributes of sleep is the relaxed muscles.

Therefore, when he is doing any action, associate

with that action that it will be more congenial or

comfortable for him to take his seat, then tell him

to close his eyes, he is deep asleep, or you must

step up beside him and catch him in your arms.

Now, the necessity for this may not always be ap-

parent. Many amateurs will say, "Not neces-

sary;" but I am writing of a man or operator who

is working clean-cut and is not allowing the sub-

ject to be "dopy," half conscious (?) of his environ-

ment, half conscious of the inspiration given him.

If the subject is completely lost to his environment,

as he should be if the operator understands his

business, he will drop over every time. Now, I

know that many of these statements amateurs will

deny, but I unhesitatingly answer that if they know

their business and work correctly they can dem-

onstrate every affirmation made here ; that they all

work with "dopy" subjects ; that they do not and

have not ever comprehended the Law of Sugges-

tion ; they do not get perfect or correct work from

their subjects to hypnotize them.

On the stage when I wish to conclude an action,

I thoroughly awaken my subjects, allowing them

to take their seats and enjoy laughing at the

others. As hypnosis is entirely a self-induced con-

dition ; that is, a man with ordinary intelligence

can learn to take it on at once after the first time.

I consequently awaken him. When I want to use

them again, I tell them to put their hands to-

gether, close their eyes and go to sleep; they

readily take on the attributes necessary; I repeat

to them, "Drowsy, sleepy," et cetera, a couple of

times and they are in hypnosis, after which I in-

spire them with any thought I see fit. So if you want to

know how to hypnotize someone, then this sleepy command

is important to use.

As it is apropos, I shall here tell of two occur- Pre-inspira-

rences which will demonstrate the self-induced (pre- tion

inspired, "auto-suggested") condition as to hyp-

nosis. While lecturing through Michigan in 1895,

I preceded every exhibition with an hour's talk on

hypnosis, et cetera, carrying the story from night

to night for the six nights. A majority of the

drummers traveling through the country made it

their special duty to hear and comprehend the

entire six lectures. One of these drummers had a

son fifteen years of age ; his residence, a town in

Ohio. One day he received a telegram from his

wife saying that their son had been a subject for

some hypnotist, who a week prior had exhibited in

the town, and that the son now was in such a condi-

tion that every time she told him to go to school

he fell asleep and could not be aroused, and noth-

ing could be done with him. The father, having

thoroughly comprehended my lectures, wired the

mother not to worry, that he would go home. He

did so. After getting off the train, he went to a

harness shop and bought a buggy whip, arrived

home and asked John why he didn't go to school,

and John told him that the professor had left him

in such a condition that he could not go to school

The father said, "Well and good ; I will remove the

effect of the professor," and gave the boy a good

horsewhipping; ever since he has attended school

without the least sign of hypnosis. This is another way

to hypnotize someone of course.


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